DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE! We do not employ doctors or licensed medical professionals, so we do not provide medical advice. Nothing presented here is a substitute for the advice of a DOCTOR or other licensed health care provider. Never stop, start or add medications or supplements to your health or mental health care regime without first checking for interactions or other problems, and thoroughly researching the substance. Before you employ any information here, consult your health care professional. No information here is the result of valid clinical trials.

How To Deal with Depression
– Without Using Drugs

Depression treatment - lifestyle


Please spend some time working through it and - if you can - discussing possibilities with someone supportive: friend, family, counsellor, colleague, cat, dog.

Before you tick the NEVER box, think carefully whether that could be a MAYBE. Or even a YES. I know depression causes so many mental and physical problems. I know because I have lived through it. But I also know that choosing just ONE of these and giving it a chance will give your brain something new to focus on.

These are in no particular order.

  • All my life, I thought I could not paint, people laughed at my sense of colour, "Are you colour blind??!!" Invited to a group painting session, I loved it and went again and again because the right teacher always "makes anybody feel like a somebody".
  • I don't like dogs. I dislike them for so many reasons, someone (me!) should really have said "Don't marry her! She likes dogs. You will never survive." I didn't. So, don't try things you know, deep down, will not work.
  • Finally, don't beat yourself up about the things that you'd like to do but know you realistically can't. Just tick the right box and move on.

This works. Give it a try.
Just try one new thing. See what happens.

(Add anything else you think of)
(Try one!)
(Tried this!)
Successful 1-10
(How well did it work?)
Work to develop friendships
Work to improve family relationships
Join a club
Do regular physical activity
Do daily mental activity
Follow your religion
Be kind to yourself
Be generous to yourself
Monitor your health
Be actively kind to others
Spend time in nature
Socialise with colleagues
Keep learning new skills and knowledge
Focus on other people's happiness
Marry / Commit to a relationship
Don't actively seek happiness
Be generous to others
Set yourself manageable goals
Enjoy everything
Get regular and enough sleep
Set up a regular savings plan
Stop feeling guilty or to blame
Accept yourself as you are
Seek challenges
Make sure you have safe surroundings
Laugh as often as you can
Get good health insurance
Seek a purpose in life
Keep a list of things you are grateful for
Optimise your bedroom for sleep
Seek a way of life that fits you
Avoid long commutes
Keep out of debt
Seek a job that fits you
Train to have a positive attitude
Recognise your strengths
Painting by Numbers
Painting Pebbles
Invest in experiences
Opt for a house that fits you
Keep a positive experiences journal
Take holidays that you really enjoy
Choose to live near family
Find at least one happy new friend
Get a garden or work in someone else's
Live in an environment of trust
Develop skills for happiness
Read books
Invest in durables and savings
Limit your work hours
Develop social media skills
Develop face-to-face social skills
Join a public speaking club
Live in a "bubble" day-to-day
Eat healthy
Get a pet
Join a walking group
Develop arts appreciation
Take a painting course
Take up meditation
Create a "meditation" space
Monitor your happiness
Take professional advice on lifestyle
Monitor your health
Write your mission statement / mantra
Give money regularly to charity
Get plenty of sunlight
Get fresh air and a short walk every day
Become known in a gym or coffee bar
Go to church regularly
Practise yoga
Go swimming
Spend time in a sauna or steam room
Spend time with children
Go self-employed
Become a vegetarian
Become a vegan
Don't monitor the news
Own your own home
Move out of the city
Remove negative people from your circle
Recognise the value of your free time
Make your own food
Work part-time or flexibly
Drink lots and lots of water
Take control of your medication
Limit how much you watch TV
Take responsibility for your own happiness
Spend a careful amount of time with screens
Get an anthem, something that works for you,
play it non-stop

CHW Anti-Inflammatory, Pain-Fighting Diet

The meaning of optimum in OPTIMUM DIET is the diet which best supports recovery from illness and maintenance of health. This support also includes optimum energy, athletic performance, mental power and endurance, preventing degenerative disease and staying young.

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CHW Serotonin Syndrome

In Cymbalta Hurts Worse, we spend an inordinate amount of time stressing the importance of a slow, slow taper to avoid Discontinuation Syndrome, but it is important to also mention Serotonin Syndrome. Sometimes people have such an immediate bad reaction to Cymbalta or other drugs their lives are in danger the drug must be stopped immediately.

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CHW Finding Holistic, Functional & Integrative Practitioners

If your doctor is prescribing Cymbalta and other toxic psychotropics, you may be better served by finding a doctor that will try to help you find the cause of your condition rather than masking it.

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CHW Posting & Journaling Your Taper

When you post, help us to support you. We need the full picture. For us to help you properly when you post, we need that information. So it is very important to keep a journal while tapering.

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CHW Testing

All Pharma drugs affect all organs and some can mask underlying root health problems. Mental health, autoimmunity and chronic pain symptoms may be caused by toxicities, sensitivities, deficiencies, infections, imbalances (hormone, thyroid, pituitary, adrenal), physical or emotional trauma, genetic factors, system overloads (mycotoxins), poor coping skills or leaky gut/poor gut health.

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CHW Crisis and Safety Planning

This is about suicidal thoughts, imaginings and plans. This is a possible effect of many medications: antidepressants and anticonvulsants. When taking or tapering off Cymbalta / Duloxetine, young and old, we are at risk. This is one reason CHW does not allow promoting or advocating Cymbalta or other drugs.

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Please take the time to report your adverse symptoms from Cymbalta and Cymbalta withdrawal to the FDA. Call 1-800-332-1088 FDA

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