DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE! We do not employ doctors or licensed medical professionals, so we do not provide medical advice. Nothing presented here is a substitute for the advice of a DOCTOR or other licensed health care provider. Never stop, start or add medications or supplements to your health or mental health care regime without first checking for interactions or other problems, and thoroughly researching the substance. Before you employ any information here, consult your health care professional. No information here is the result of valid clinical trials.
Posting on CHW and Journaling your taper
Important! When you make a post on our FB group, help us to support you. We need the full picture. Please save us all time and give as much information as you can. To do that, you need to have the details at your fingertips. That's's why this file combines posting and journaling.
Making a Post on Cymbalta Hurts Worse Facebook Group
- What were you prescribed Cymbalta for?
- What dose were you prescribed?
- How long you have been on it?
- If the dose has changed, what details can you give us?
Please, this is so important!
- Are you tapering?
- Is this your first drop? If so, we will probably tell you to wait 3 weeks and see what happens.
- If so, what is your tapering history: what percentage are you tapering?
- How long have you been holding between decreases?
- What symptoms are you experiencing?
Please give us this key information so we can deal quickly with your concerns.
- Prescribed for __________________
- Dose: _________mg
- On it for _________ months / years / specific date
- Dose increased / decreased __________________
- Tapering: yes / no
- If yes: percentage _____________ holding for ____________
- First drop: yes / no
- Symptoms: ____________________
Keeping a journal
- For us to help you properly when you post, we need that information. So it is very important to keep a journal while tapering.
- It could save your life. Set it up BEFORE you start to taper. Keep it safe. Keep it up-to-date.
- Tell people: your spouse, significant other, a family member or friend about your journal and where you keep it. Tell them to show it to a paramedic or take it to the ER if you are unable to explain the details of your taper.
- It is essential to keep track of the number of beads you take, the percentage you are reducing, the length of hold and the specific dates.
- It is also important to keep a note of withdrawal symptoms. You can then consider whether to reduce the % or increase the hold. It's also possible to include what you eat and life events to see what effect they may have.
- You can look back and be proud of the progress you have made. If your doctor knows about your taper, take your journal with you to consultations
Here are some suggestions of what you may want to include in your journal.
The minimum is: date, % drop, length of hold, any problems. Any other medications or supplements you take and the dose. Check for interactions on drugs.com!
- Week 1, Day 1, Saturday Oct 24, 2020. Beginning taper by 5%. Taking 332 beads average 350 beads per capsule. Feeling a bit nervous. Next drop due Sat 7th November, 14 days. (It helps to drop on a specific day each time.) No other meds. Taking Omega 3, one capsule each day
- Sunday Oct 25. All fine.
- Monday 26 - took dose 3 hours late. Palpitations, trouble breating. Anxiety? Took dose and soon felt fine.
Other possibilities will depend on your motivation, focus, need. But you really should consider them.
- Weight - on a strictly regular basis. Keeping track of your weight may encourage you to consider nutrition and other lifestyle changes.
- Blood pressure - if you self-monitor, especially if you have a problem with high or low blood pressure.
- Blood sugar - if you self monitor, especially if you have diabetes or hypoglycemia.
- Write down everything you eat and drink and how much. Remember that while tapering you need to keep toxins out of your diet and feed your brain well.
It might also help you spot problems with interactions or notice improvements.
- Bowel movements and urine output - if you start to suffer in some way, these are basic signs of what might be wrong: constipation, diarrhea, dehydration, or fluid retention; bloating, headaches, itchy skin. These may correlate with your diet.
- The frequency and nature of these bodily functions and reactions are a guide to what might be wrong with you. You should note: how often; what your excreta is like - colour, soft or hard, very loose etc. Cymbalta affects so many parts of our bodies, the sooner we know if there is a kidney infection, a UTI, dehydration and similar, the better. Possible intolerances can be spotted by correlations between what you eat and how your body reacts.
- Activity - keep a note of things you do and how they help / distress you: physical, mental, emotional well-being activities. Just as with food and drink, this can show your improvements and also help you spot what you may need to add or avoid. You might find you suddenly have the courage or energy to walk for 3 miles
You could do this on a spreadsheet.
It misses lots of detail but is easy to spot the main details and is better than nothing!
Example shown below...
CHW FAQ and Key Definitions
These are simple questions, mostly with short answers. The key words will help you search the “CHW Files” list for documents giving more detail. Use the “Search” box on the CHW FB page to see what others have said about (key word) and see what they have experienced.
Read MoreCHW The Scale Method
When you post, help us to support you. We need the full picture. For us to help you properly when you post, we need that information. So it is very important to keep a journal while tapering.
Read MoreCHW Crisis and Safety Planning
This is about suicidal thoughts, imaginings and plans. This is a possible effect of many medications: antidepressants and anticonvulsants. When taking or tapering off Cymbalta / Duloxetine, young and old, we are at risk. This is one reason CHW does not allow promoting or advocating Cymbalta or other drugs.
Read MoreCHW Finding Holistic, Functional & Integrative Practitioners
If your doctor is prescribing Cymbalta and other toxic psychotropics, you may be better served by finding a doctor that will try to help you find the cause of your condition rather than masking it.
Read MoreCHW Recovery from Antidepressant Use
This file contains links to the most important files on RECOVERY. We highly recommend printing
out files for quick reference, and then highlighting the areas that are important to your needs.
CHW Waves & Windows
DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE! We do not employ doctors or licensed medical professionals, so we do not provide medical advice. Nothing presented here is a substitute for the advice of a DOCTOR or other licensed health care provider.…
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Please take the time to report your adverse symptoms from Cymbalta and Cymbalta withdrawal to the FDA. Call 1-800-332-1088
© 2019 Healing America Now