DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE! We do not employ doctors or licensed medical professionals, so we do not provide medical advice. Nothing presented here is a substitute for the advice of a DOCTOR or other licensed health care provider. Never stop, start or add medications or supplements to your health or mental health care regime without first checking for interactions or other problems, and thoroughly researching the substance. Before you employ any information here, consult your health care professional. No information here is the result of valid clinical trials.

Frequently Asked Questions
and Key Definitions

These are simple questions, mostly with short answers.

CHW Reinstatement Guidelines

There is only a 2 (possibly 3) week reinstatement window where it is (somewhat) safe to go back onto the drug to try to reverse the withdrawal, but only if other drugs have not been added and the person did not alternate days more than 2 (possibly 3) weeks. After that window passes, the person is left to deal with whatever comes their way. There is no known “cure” for protracted withdrawal once it settles in. It just takes time to resolve on its own.

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CHW How To Be Happy

How to deal with depression – without using drugs. These suggestions are from various sources and my belief is that doing something different or extra will help. Thank you, all those who wittingly or unwittingly helped me compile this list.

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CHW Posting & Journaling Your Taper

When you post, help us to support you. We need the full picture. For us to help you properly when you post, we need that information. So it is very important to keep a journal while tapering.

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CHW Serotonin Syndrome

In Cymbalta Hurts Worse, we spend an inordinate amount of time stressing the importance of a slow, slow taper to avoid Discontinuation Syndrome, but it is important to also mention Serotonin Syndrome. Sometimes people have such an immediate bad reaction to Cymbalta or other drugs their lives are in danger the drug must be stopped immediately.

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CHW Tapering Guide

We are here to support you in tapering slowly, steadily and consistently off Cymbalta/Duloxetine. You will find several warnings here about staying safe. This information is all about HOW to do that careful taper off the drug. Please, please follow our recommendations.

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CHW Self-Advocating With Your Doctor

DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE! We do not employ doctors or licensed medical professionals, so we do not provide medical advice. Nothing presented here is a substitute for the advice of a DOCTOR or other licensed health care provider.…

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Please take the time to report your adverse symptoms from Cymbalta and Cymbalta withdrawal to the FDA. Call 1-800-332-1088 FDA

© 2019 Healing America Now